miércoles, enero 24, 2007

State of the Union - A Big Nothing

Good speech, I’ll give him credit for that. However, a good speech means very little if it’s not followed by actions and, unfortunately, we’ve all seen that many times from this guy. Proposals are fine but they are just that, proposals.
This State of the Union address was a massive accommodating bunch of words, in an effort to placate the growing discontent with his presidency and his persona. Very little clarity in how to go about our future at home and still no way out of the Iraq mess.
Sure, we’ll be better off if we do this or that but how do we accomplish those objectives?
Anyone with a minimal education and some observation skills could have put together the same “plan” if we can call it that. Besides, we’ve heard so many lies from the same mouth in the past that I have no reason to believe him anymore.
This presentation should have been called Sorry State of Affairs. Almost an hour of Nada!
I’m going back to watch a repeat of Seinfeld and escape reality.

lunes, enero 22, 2007

Smiling Tool Green Mob

According to the Associated Press “Americans seem sour on the state of the union in advance of President Bush's address on the subject. A poll finds most believe the country is on the wrong track -- a complete flip from five years ago.”
And “At the same time, Americans see the president as likable, decisive and strong but also stubborn. (My italics) And only a minority think he is honest -- 44 percent, down from 53 percent two years ago.”
The country being in the wrong track comes as no surprise to most of us. With the exception perhaps of big corporations and money grabbers who have made a killing in the markets, the common guy is struggling to make a living in many cases and always one or two steps behind inflation - Yes there is inflation even though no economist dares to admit it! - With the extra uncalled for addition of the Iraq issue.
Now, let’s see the rest of the opinion poll. Is Bush “likable”? Depends. If you mean he is a guy you would sit down and have a beer with, perhaps. As a leader of our destiny I don’t think so. Let’s take “decisive“. Is he decisive? I guess I would say yes. Unfortunately, being decisive means very little if your “decisions” are wrong most of the time! Strong? I don’t know. The image is one of a meek person fighting his own image more than that of a “strong” leader, but may be this is a matter of perception. “Stubborn”? Do you have any doubt about it? Finally “honesty”, how honest is he? Not much according to the poll.
So, here we have a nice guy, on the surface, whose decisions are mostly wrong, with perceived strength and not very honest leading our destiny.
A combination of “Smiling Bob”+”Tool Man”+“The Hulk”+“Don Corleone”

domingo, enero 21, 2007

A Todos Quienes Esten Interesados

Debido a que la gran mayoria de los visitantes a este modesto Blog son personas que leen en Ingles, he descuidado un poco a los fieles (aunque no muy numerosos) visitantes de habla hispana.
Es por eso que, si alguien desea que le llegue cualquiera de mis pobres escritos en su idioma, le ruego me deje un comentario y con gusto le enviare una traduccion por email.
Se que esto no habra de cambiar el curso del mundo, pero se me ocurre que les debo esta cortesia como minimo y sera un placer para mi.
Saludos a todos.

viernes, enero 19, 2007

Religion, Society and Personal Responsibility

This weekend on CNN there will be a special on British Muslims, a few with radical ideas, most afraid of their own and the potential consequences of the ones who want to spread violence. It occurs to me that we as a society are paying the price of self-indulgence and abandonment, not only with this issue but many others. At least in the U.S., and possibly in the U.K. too, we were living in a state of denial. Issues like poverty, street gang violence, drug use, lopsided laws that favor some while hurting others and more.

We drive every day to work and can see that guy at the corner asking for money with a sign that say “Homeless, please help”. One out of a hundred perhaps will stop and give him a buck. Most just ignore him; he’s become part of the scenery. We watch in the news how street gangs are causing damage to the community, sometimes their own people, killing, maiming, and selling drugs. We then switch channels until we find something that will be more uplifting and finish our dinner. We let our government at every level enact law after law curtailing personal liberties in an attempt to feel more secure. In other words, we have become a passive audience to any and all facts that tamper with our peace of mind. We find excuses not to do something and be more proactive because “we don’t have time” or “it‘s the government‘s task“.
The result of this bastardized approach to living in a society is what we see and experience and now we realize that it’s causing real damage.

Diving into religion to look for solutions is not the answer. Going once a week to a temple or church and pray for a better world may be a soul-satisfying experience, but let’s face it, we can’t expect miracles all the time. Letting politicians rule amok with sometimes-drastic measures and laws, may provide a sense of accomplishment in solving certain problem. On the other hand enforcing those measures alone won’t make the problem go away, it will just morph into something else in need of yet another law. What’s left is, in my view, personal responsibility. Something that has been ignored for far too long and can’t replace religion or politics.

That’s why, in the case of the Muslims in England, is refreshing to learn that there are “good” Muslims ready to tackle the roots of the problem within their own community. It’s not a matter of religion; it’s a matter of those who understand their own people providing a helping hand to correct the problem.

The same goes for other sectors in any community where violence is an everyday occurrence. We should empower ourselves in our own communities with the same fervor that those who are trying to destroy it, but in a positive way. We should get out of our self-made cocoon and do something to help alleviate the problems surrounding us, instead of just watching from afar. And I’m not talking about those who live in the immediate area; I’m talking about everybody who believes in real solutions.

I have a little framed carving of the three little monkeys in my house: “Don’t see, don’t hear, don’t talk”. This moves me to keep on writing, mostly for myself since I’m not quite sure how many read this, but also to never forget the real problem our society faces day after day: “It‘s not my problem. I don‘t know. There is nothing I can do, etc., etc.”

Instead of throwing a buck to the homeless at the corner, how about stopping and taking him to places where he can get meaningful help? Oh, no, not in my car!
Instead of complaining about street gangs, why don’t we create more neighborhood groups to denounce their illegal and sometimes murderous activities? Because we are afraid? Well, nothing will be different; we are afraid now! Instead of ignoring the mass of poor and displaced people struggling to survive, why not join them, ask questions and seek solutions to elevate their status. Are we too comfortable perhaps with our own status? This could be a very extensive list, so I’ll leave it for you to complete.

Get out and do something. Complaining is fine, but that in itself is just words and we need action! Even though we have some pieces of the puzzle in place, like a few honest politicians, cops and judges, we must remember we are a larger force, we are the People. People empowered by our Constitution to set the standards by which we want to live our life and, within the law, there are many thing we are not doing. Instead, we’re always waiting for someone else to do it for us.

martes, enero 16, 2007

The Israeli Palestinian Choices

Next month, if everybody agrees, there will be a meeting between the US, Israel and Palestine in an effort I guess to revive the so-called Road Map for that troubled region. Our own Condoleeza Rice would probably be the official envoy with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for the affected parties. The question is: Are they going to reach an accord leading to peace? Probably not.

Here’s the thing. Israel does not want to give up the idea of the acquired country and in fact, while this meeting is in the works, they are building yet more houses in Palestinian territory. Palestinians in turn, with a divided government, mostly sympathetic to the Hammas movement, have specific demands that the Israelis are not ready to concede.
The Israeli government does not trust whatever the Palestinian say and vice versa, as is traditional in the region. And finally, our country’s participation as a broker has no credibility among Palestinians. Past actions and words from the US have demonstrated an unconditional support for Israel making this meeting an unbalanced one.
This summit if carried out, will be just a political show; in an effort to soften the bad image the US and Israel have rightfully gained in that region.

Until Israel recognizes that their country was a gift to be cherished and accepts the fact that is surrounded by other people with different believes and traditions there is no end to the conflict. They have the military power to keep the gift, why not enjoy it, make peace with those they displaced and create some productive business ventures in the region?
If anything, Israel should be a leader in commerce, trade and prosperity for its neighbors.
No, I’m not forgetting the extremists and their bloody actions. It is precisely the point I’m trying to make. If the Palestinian people could benefit from a fair exchange with Israel and have a place they can call home without feeling threatened, I bet all the extremists in the world couldn’t convince the population to give up that for martyrdom. But the move must be from the Israelis. They have the monetary power and, of course the guns. The other side has resentment, poverty and yelling fanatics stirring the pot.

lunes, enero 15, 2007

Social Security and Illegals

I have expressed my opinion on this issue several times in the past and couldn't agree more with the commentary published today at CNN.com, so here's the link to read what Ruben Navarrete a syndicated columnist wrote.

Social Security

sábado, enero 13, 2007

Arrogance and Failure

Recently Bush said lawmakers “have a right to express their views, and express them forcefully. But those who refuse to give this plan a chance to work have an obligation to offer an alternative that has a better chance for success.”

Problem is, you Mr. Bush, don’t listen!!! Most of the American people are against an escalation in the number of troops in Iraq. Most are also in favor of some plan to start redeploying our troops where they belong: Home. Now, many of your own supporters in the past within your own party are in the same position, against more troops and a political solution for this mess.
Are you listening? NO ! You keep going down with your blind belief that you’re right and everyone else is wrong.

So, How you dare, after manufacturing an unneeded war, having witness the loss of so many of our soldiers and countless innocent Iraqis, how you dare to say that we (or our representatives in charge) have an obligation to offer an alternative?
It’s too late for that don’t you think? For months, and in some cases for years, others with more gray matter than you have tried to wake you to discussions on alternatives. You blatantly refused every single time. It has always been YOUR way or the highway.

If you really want to create alternatives, look around! There are plenty of capable people, civilians and high-ranking militaries, willing to sit down with you and talk about it. What do you do instead? You replace anyone who may disagree with your failed policy and put in their place new faces to make us all believe that you are doing “something”.

You and all your cronies can’t cover the reality of years of lying, twisting the meaning of words and worst, the body count with no end in sight.

As far as the exchange of Barbara Boxer with Condoleeza Rice, some kiss-ass media heads are taking out of context Ms Boxer’s words. Fortunately, we, the public, are much more aware now of your bags of tricks, and have other means of information to set the record straight.
Here’s the exchange”

“Who pays the price?” Boxer asked Rice, who is unmarried and doesn’t have children. “I’m not going to pay a personal price. My kids are too old and my grandchild is too young. You’re not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with immediate family. “So who pays the price? The American military and their families.”

Your friendly right wing media (the stupid and despicable Ann Coulter among others) went on the attack immediately saying that Ms Boxer’s words were offensive to single women, by implication incapable of making decisions on policy matters.

Nothing further from the true meaning of those words. Ms Boxer was talking about how military families are the most affected by the idiotic decisions of your boss Condoleeza, that’s all. As she expressed herself in a statement on Friday:

“I spoke the truth at the committee hearing, which is that neither Secretary Rice nor I have family members that will pay the price for this escalation,” she said. “My point was to focus attention on our military families who continue to sacrifice because this administration has not developed a political solution to the situation in Iraq.”

There is no more excuses Mr. Bush, Ms Rice, Mr. Cheney (quiet and hidden for now), you have failed, no one else! You are very lucky to be our President and not that of some Third World hot-blooded country, because if you were, you’d have been out of office long time ago.

viernes, enero 12, 2007

The Empty Mind Has Spoken

As expected, the “new” policy on Iraq introduced by Bush on Wednesday contains nothing that has not been formulated before. It’s just the same old tired policy of more troops and more money. To compound the silliness of this nothingness, Condoleeza Rice, when question by Congress, renamed the proposed “surge“ and now is called “aggregate“ or something like that. Words and more words.
The bottom line is that troops have been increased in the past several times with no results making the new, old. And with the vast majority of the population against any increase in troops, including many ex-hard liners of the GOP, the pathetic figure of a Bush, basically talking to himself, is just that, pathetic.
Another potential nail to the political coffin Bush is crafting for his final two years as President comes from his call to - apparently - start another front with more measures against Iran and Syria.
Are we in for another Cambodia? I hope not.
Congress should stop this nonsense, if for no other reason, because George W can’t handle the problem anymore. Giving another chance to the same failed policy will only increase the casualties in Iraq and prolong the internal solutions Iraqis must find by themselves.
On a personal note, I’m not an expert on this matter by any means, just your average Joe with a Blog, but, I find amazing that many of my assertions in the past are now part of the vocabulary of those in charge. The point being: If the average Joe’s of this World could see it then, why all the so-called experts took so much time to come to the same conclusions? More than that: Are they going to do something about it?

lunes, enero 08, 2007

48 Hrs To Predictable Answers

Coming Wednesday, our fumbling leader will reveal his “new plan” for Iraq.
Being in Las Vegas is a natural that I have to bet on the content of this message. So, here it goes:
I bet he will ask for an increase of troops in several short stages to be dedicated mostly to Baghdad.
I bet an increase of funds will be requested from Congress, appealing to patriotic duties and “unity”.
I bet this will be accompanied by some loose assurance that he requested from the Iraqi government “full commitment” to a stronger local police and military presence made of Iraqis.
I bet Bush will not set any specific dates for the retrieval of our forces.
I bet more bashing of other regional leaders is part of the speech.
I bet all the suggestions made by most, including his own study group, “have been considered carefully”. (Even though none of them will be implemented).
I bet finally that the ever-present menace of global terrorism will be part of the delivery.
Oh, and I also bet that Congress will do a song and dance number afterwards just to show they are serious about questioning the request but finally approving the matter in the name of national loyalty and “unity”.
Wanna bet?

domingo, enero 07, 2007

Wish I Could Be There