viernes, septiembre 05, 2008

Fresh Approach or Frozen Sameness?

Not long ago. McCain was the champion of many Republicans. Hard core followers who voted for him as their candidate in spite of a spotty record, sometimes he was the all-time party leader others the so-called maverick. It wasn’t enough. Now, with the real threat of loosing the general election in November, a new approach has surfaced in an attempt to conquer the far religious right and even trying to snatch away from the Democrats a few undecided, especially those DNC women unhappy with the loss of their candidate, Hillary.
It’s amazing how someone can morph in such a short time and with a straight face. But what it’s most intriguing are the tools the RNC is using to push their nominee forward and make it palatable.
The Republican convention was the canvas to present a new and improved version of their message. The reminder of Vietnam, the McCain days as POW was such a blow below the belt that makes us think, once again, that very little has changed, and why should it?
Regarding policies, everyone with a pulse knows that past the personal charm and suffering of McCain he’s still a Republican, no more no less. Telling people that change is coming thru him is akin to believe that the whole Republican platform from the past and present will be different. It’ll take too many converts for that. Besides, the mere fact that they are mimicking the theme of the Democrats: Change, shows how pathetically poor the Republican offer is.
If we ad the Palin effect, the smoke and mirrors they’re trying to pull is such an obvious move that hurts. If you believe she’s qualified now the question follows: Where was this lady month ago when the vetting for a Vice-President started. Why was she picked instantly without any previous attempt to introduce her to the public? Answer: The Republicans desperately needed someone to bring in the far right, ultra religious folks who were not convinced yet about McCain.
This ticket, McCain/Palin, is all show, no substance. He looks presidential; she’s a blank slate. That’s about it. On the other hand, all the hoopla, noise and cheers in the convention floor amused me. Lots of excitement, but then again, you get that at any Amway meeting too. The believers are there and also the wanna-be’s, those who are hoping for a piece of the pie should their ticket be the winner in November.
It doesn’t cut it for the rest of us. The vast majority who’s being hurt by all the Republican shenanigans for the past eight years, the mothers and fathers who lost their son or daughter in a made-up war, the millions loosing their homes and jobs while most corporations are getting tax breaks and more.
Do you want to vote for them? Go ahead, it’s a free country and you probably voted for Bush, not once but twice. Myself, I prefer to ignore them and their empty promises made in a hurry just to get support.
God help us all if they get elected!