State of the Union - A Big Nothing

Good speech, I’ll give him credit for that. However, a good speech means very little if it’s not followed by actions and, unfortunately, we’ve all seen that many times from this guy. Proposals are fine but they are just that, proposals.
This State of the Union address was a massive accommodating bunch of words, in an effort to placate the growing discontent with his presidency and his persona. Very little clarity in how to go about our future at home and still no way out of the Iraq mess.
Sure, we’ll be better off if we do this or that but how do we accomplish those objectives?
Anyone with a minimal education and some observation skills could have put together the same “plan” if we can call it that. Besides, we’ve heard so many lies from the same mouth in the past that I have no reason to believe him anymore.
This presentation should have been called Sorry State of Affairs. Almost an hour of Nada!
I’m going back to watch a repeat of Seinfeld and escape reality.
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