The Empty Mind Has Spoken

As expected, the “new” policy on Iraq introduced by Bush on Wednesday contains nothing that has not been formulated before. It’s just the same old tired policy of more troops and more money. To compound the silliness of this nothingness, Condoleeza Rice, when question by Congress, renamed the proposed “surge“ and now is called “aggregate“ or something like that. Words and more words.
The bottom line is that troops have been increased in the past several times with no results making the new, old. And with the vast majority of the population against any increase in troops, including many ex-hard liners of the GOP, the pathetic figure of a Bush, basically talking to himself, is just that, pathetic.
Another potential nail to the political coffin Bush is crafting for his final two years as President comes from his call to - apparently - start another front with more measures against Iran and Syria.
Are we in for another Cambodia? I hope not.
Congress should stop this nonsense, if for no other reason, because George W can’t handle the problem anymore. Giving another chance to the same failed policy will only increase the casualties in Iraq and prolong the internal solutions Iraqis must find by themselves.
On a personal note, I’m not an expert on this matter by any means, just your average Joe with a Blog, but, I find amazing that many of my assertions in the past are now part of the vocabulary of those in charge. The point being: If the average Joe’s of this World could see it then, why all the so-called experts took so much time to come to the same conclusions? More than that: Are they going to do something about it?
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