Court TV and the Queen of Mean Judges

It was a slow day in my household, a very slow day, and of course the TV had to be on just to create a background noise. While sipping my fourth cup of coffee I decided to watch whatever was on at that time and it happened to be an episode of Judge Judy. Ah, Judge Judy, where the “cases are real and the people are real”.
His former girlfriend was suing this guy because she had signed a loan in her name to buy his car, an expensive one at that. The basic reason, as is usually the case, because he didn’t qualify for the loan at the time of purchase. Now, according to the girlfriend, after only two month of the purchase she took the car from him - even though he was making the promised payments - because she found several unpaid bills the boyfriend was keeping with his belongings, and, she reasoned, he was a potential liability and perhaps was not going to make good on the promise of making the car payments and securing a loan in his name (after resolving several existing issues and/or mistakes on his credit report).
As it turns out the guy cleared the problems - as far as we could gathered between the insults and bashing he was getting from Judy - plus, at the time she took the car, there were no late payments on the car.
Now, the lady suing for $5000 (maximum allowed in most small claims courts) said that because she resold the car to mitigate her potential liability, she lost $24000 - the difference between the purchase price of about $49000 and the reselling price.
It was obvious first of all that she jumped the gun. She took the car from him even when he made the payments as promised. Hence, she broke their verbal agreement, not him.
It doesn’t take a legal genius to declare that she had no case. Enter Judy Sheindlin. Throughout all the “proceedings” this so-called judge dedicated every breath to put down the intellect of the “plaintiff” as if she was a total moron for trusting such a “scum” of a guy and, in turn, bashed the “defendant” at every occasion with whatever remarks she could find to paint one of the lowest forms of life on earth.
Time after time, with her trademark nastiness Judy called the guy names, interrupted him constantly and made sure that she will have the final word.
What was her final word? The lady didn’t have a case and the guy was not at fault!
Judy knew from the very beginning that this was going to be outcome - probably even before the show started - but she “had” to do the bashing and insulting so the public could enjoy “her” kind of justice.
While the setting may impress some, the bench, the robe, the bailiff, the flags in the background and even the solemn presentation assuring us that everything is “real”, none of that is true. These are not real courts, Judy is not acting as a real judge, just an arbitrator, and the whole procedure is simply disgusting.
Many others have jumped into the wagon, Judge Hatchet, Judge Brown, Marylyn Milian, Judge Cristina, some other guy with a baseball bat on top of the bench, another one who supposedly runs a Moral Court, and others that escape me. However Judy is the Queen of Fake Courts. How and why an ex-real judge got here? M-O-N-E-Y She has made a fortune with her unpleasant and disrespectful manner and has become the darling of some talk show hosts who cater to our curiosity on how the legal system works (!?).
I’m surprised mostly at how people lend themselves to this spectacle instead of going to real courts. Is it the fifteen minutes of fame, at any cost, or is it that they will get paid and catered to make fools out of themselves in front of a national audience?
I finished my coffee. Back to real life and out of this TV garbage.
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