Something Light, Something Stupid

With the Holiday Season here, I felt more or less compelled to close my year of ranting, raving and sometimes making fun of people and things, with a note to celebrate the occasion. After all, it’s time to be Jolly, isn’t it?
Well, thanks to Miss USA, Miss Teen, Donald Trump and Rosie O’Donnell I think I’ve found the proper theme: Stupidity. Yes, stupidity has been all around us this year, from our not-so-beloved leader at the White House and his cronies, parroting themselves and keeping a low profile or out of office, to so many celebrities acting like fools (Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Michael Richards, Britney Spears and lots more), we’ve had a parade of foolishness all year around thanks in part to the lazy people in the media outlets, forever taking the easy road of sensationalism over substance and the greed of those who pay their salaries, in their eternal search for more ratings.
So we come to a close with a prime example of lunacy, wasted airtime and people we shouldn’t care at all. The “news” that Miss USA and Miss Teen were drinking while underage morphed into a salacious exchange of insults between the Donald and Rosie, while MADD had to come to the plate with their own sanctimonious sanctions cutting ties with the Teen.
Problem is that these contests should be called what really are -beauty contests - and that’s all. Since the organizers and other entities tagging along for the prestige or the advertising bucks insist on placing a moral face to the skin show, not to mention the occasionally laughable talent portion, the burden on the winners is too much to bear.
After all, they are just young inexperienced girls who know they look good and that’s why they participate. These girls are not there because they’re brilliant scientists or church going role models. Instead, they looked one day at the mirror and said to themselves: “Hey, I think I can show myself and others may applaud.”
Donald Trump’s press conference, toupee in place and all, forgiving the sinner, Miss USA, the Miss in turn almost in tears “so grateful” and Rosie O’Donnell barking from her latest corner on TV take the prize for the most stupid stint of 2006. The runner up ought to be MADD with their insistence that a Miss Teen should be a role model. Why? Soft skin and a better than average looking face and body are the pre-requisites? Of course the MADD people know better but they also want to exploit the skin circus by snatching the winner of Miss Teen to be “their” role model.
Congratulations ! Donald, Rosie, Misses, MADD ! You‘ve managed the collective title of “2006 Most Stupid Stint” from the Least Read Blog in the Universe: Mine!
Happy Holidays to all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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