Iraq, Do We Care Anymore?

This week our inept leader will have to decide which course of action, if any, he’ll decide on regarding the Iraqi mess. As usual, we’ve been getting tons of lip service in this matter from all fronts. Those who are totally opposed to the war kept repeating the outcry for a pullout, if not tomorrow, at least the day after.
The hawks are in a muddy corner, given the reality on the ground, and are sort of backing out from the original “stay the course” stupidity, considering now some “alternatives“ such as beefing up the local Iraqi army, more training for their members and a potential hands-off situation from our military with a gradual and orderly removal of troops in uncertain time limits, one, two years at best. Finally, George W. tell us that “only” when stabilization is obtained on the ground and the Iraqis have taken full control of the terrain and secured peace, then and only then, we can send our troops home.
Finally, something call the Iraq Study Group will present Bush with yet another option, that is, to initiate peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis and an international conference to foster talks with Iran and Syria.
I believe that the latest “may” have some possibilities, since most of the resentment from the Arab world has its origins in the Palestinian-Israeli unresolved matter and Iran and Syria want to have a voice regarding the policies affecting their countries and neighbors. On the other hand, Israel has refused to abide to previous accords and kept on taking more land and building huge walls between them and the Palestinians. This created further alienation in the region, isolating in practice large segments of the Palestinian population from their own lands and resources while curtailing the possibility of trade, travel and jobs. Some extremist responded with violence fueling the sentiments of Israeli hard-liners to go even further with more restrictive measures. And the cycle continues.
Iran, even though is perceived as a loose cannon in the region, still is populated by a vast majority of people who want to live in peace with the World and, hopefully its neighbors. Same in Syria. In the paranoid vision of our President, these two countries are a menace. How does he go about defusing this menace? He calls them names and does not want to talk to any of their leaders. Brilliant!
Going back to the heading of these personal thoughts, I don’t care anymore. I don’t care about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, I don’t care about Iraq and whether they want peace or not. I don’t care about anything that has to do with the Middle East. I’ve had it!
This being said, I hope Israel - without our complacent help and money - manage to solve the problems they’ve created with the Palestinians, I hope the Iraqis can find a solution to their internal strife and put aside sectarian ambitions and I hope Iran, Syria and the rest of the countries in the region manage to solve their own problems from within, without murdering each other.
Is this achievable? Yes! Just get everyone who does not share and understand the political and religious views of the region out of the way, and that includes our troops and us.
Trying to control such a huge portion of the planet is an impossible task, besides being immoral, we don’t understand their inner motives and what drives their lives. To begin with, we don’t have enough troops to do it. Second, by intervening directly we are creating more and more resentment against us. And third we are sacrificing our young people forcing them to fight somebody else’s wars.
It’s high time for those in this administration to stop the switch and bait verbal tactics and talk to the Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, Israelis and Palestinians face to face and tell them: Guys, you better find a solution to your problems. You are on your own! We are going home in 90 days or less. Take care.
Are we going to be “safer”? I don’t know. There will always be nuts out there. Will we have better means to defend ourselves in case of an attack? Certainly! Our troops will be where they belong, right here, to protect our country. Of course, many global corporations won’t be happy perhaps, since war is a big business. I say to them what their puppet kept saying, “It’s hard!”
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