martes, octubre 24, 2006

Mr Bush You've Done It!

U.S. Deaths Confirmed By The DoD: 2790
9/11 Official victims toll 2752

As of October 24th, according to the DOD, the number of americans lost in Iraq has reached 2790. This number is larger now that the amount of civilians killed in the 9/11 disaster (2752).
The irrational war our leader unleashed, from this point on, is costing more American lives than the actions of terrorists caused in New York City.
Republicans in Congress are now trying to put some distance between themselves and the White House, simply because the results of this stupid war in general are so obvious that's almost impossible to ignore, and also because they want to keep their majority of seats in both Houses.
Voting time is here in just a couple of weeks. We'll find out if we have learned from this experience or will continue the support of what it will turn out to be one of the worst administrations in the U.S. history.
While moguls and shareholders are celebrating the Dow at 1200 (something that most of the public have no idea what it means) the quality of jobs and wages is as low as it can be. We lost track of the horrendous national debt at this point and consumer prices keep on rising, as well as the cost of housing, utilities and other basic necesities.
It's hard to understand how anyone can still believe in these people at the helm and keep them in office, but, we'll see. May be, the fear campaign they are waging - one more time - will be effective. I sincerely hope that your vote won't be influenced by slogans and loose words such as terrorism, immigration, borders, security, etc, etc. and take a hard look at the results so far. I'll remember other words for that matter, like "Mission accomplished", "No child left behind", and similar appealing ideas that never prospered.
I'm sure "someone" is benefiting from all this chaos but I'm also sure it's not us, the common citizens.