More than denial

State of Denial, the book by Bob Woodward, is all the rage in Washington and most of the Country today, and has prompted irritability, impromptu press conferences and all the defensive moves mostly expected from the Bush administration.
But I think the present situation goes beyond one individual. State of denial can be applied to someone who either by conviction or stupidity is not able to differentiate between the facts and his own delirious ideas. However, when seemingly everyone around him follows the same pattern by explaining away their mistakes, miscalculations and lack of understanding of their own objectives, and forever twisting all the evidence available to fit their agenda, then it goes beyond denial and becomes a collective concerted effort to cover each other’s ass.
I’m not going to go into detail of what’s out there, public record by now, that discredit the words of not only George W. but Condi Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney and others who belong to this tight circle of people rearranging history as they go. What I will say though is this: How much more of this B.S. can we take?
Is there anyone out there who really enjoys, or even believes, what Bush or any of his cronies has to say about our present situation in the World, the economy and other factors affecting our everyday life?
Better yet. Are we getting any real input from our leaders? So far, they respond quickly when negative facts come to light and not much more. Leave them alone and their speeches and comments are as bland as baby food.
From Bush we hear: “hard”, “terrsts”, “terrer”,”war” without having really accomplished much at most levels. Condi is a master in moving words around to explain facts as she sees fit and never considering other points of view. Rusmfeld hides behind Bush’s reassurance that he’s the man for the job while many of the top brass don’t agree with this. Cheney, very wisely, keeps as low a profile as he can, and keeps on laughing all the way to the bank. Karl Rove has become the invisible man lately. In general, all of them seem to be grouping together to confront the siege from all fronts, including some of their own party.
It’ looks like a sinking ship where everyone is trying to hold on to the mast and every rat on board is running to the upper deck. The ship being the administration, constantly busy plugging holes, the mast looks a lot like George and the rest, well, you know who they are. The hope here is that the sea of facts and the rocking waves created by bad news will dissipate and the opposing wave of public opinion won’t touch them, thus, avoiding being swallowed by the waters.
Perhaps that will be the outcome, a big storm that will pass and they will finish a failed tenure. However, at least in this instance, the waters are very dirty and contamination and filth is unavoidable. The dream of going into history as the War President on the part of Bush is practically over and if he has a smidgen of intelligence left he should abandon the one way mentality he’s known for and be more pragmatic. Doubtful but possible.
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