The Repetitive Lou Dobbs

His round face and paternalistic attitude seems to bode well with a lot of CNN viewers. In some ways it reminds me of another round face, Rush Limbaugh. Both proclaim to be the owners of the patriotic drum beating mostly for the conservative right.
However, while Rush is a certified lunatic and a rude individual when someone doesn’t agree with him, at least he is what it is. No false pretense. He happens to be an individual who owns the truth (much like Bush) and doesn’t matter what your opinion is, he’s always right. Right?
Dobbs on the other hand is part of a news organization that, having to balance points of view from all sides, delivers his segment adapting real news to his personal perspective. Nothing wrong so far. The problem lies with the fact that his intellectual ego gets in the way and he really start to believe that he knows better, to the point now of giving advice to Bush in his column.
In the first place, Bush will take no advice from him, if for no other reason just because he already has enough bad advice as it is. Secondly, once again, Dobbs hammers on his favorite pet peeve, immigration, a theme he’s all but exhausted. Finally, Dobbs piles up the present problems from Iraq to North Korea, just to make noise and put down the President’s advisors.
Those who take the time to read my Blog, mostly in Spanish, know very well how I feel about the present administration, but I’m not Lou Dobbs, I’m just a guy out there whose opinion count very little and have no influence in public matters. Dobbs on the other hand has a following on CNN, however tilted to the right, and as paid journalist in a respected media outlet, should move on and stop hammering on the same issues over and over again.
We got it Lou, you are against illegal immigration, not so sure about legal immigrants either, and in your ideal little world, a big fence, lots of troops and massive deportations would do the job. We go it!
Get your staff to work on something else now. What are you going to do after the Israel/Hezbollah conflict?
Please, don’t go back to the same old immigration script.
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