Rumsfeld’s Delirium

: a mental disturbance characterized by confusion, disordered speech, and hallucinations
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Only a mental state like this could possibly justify the accusations and inflated moral superiority demonstrated in the recent speech by Donald Rumsfeld, where he portrayed the administration’s critics as “moral or intellectually confused” in reference at what threatens the nation’s security and accused them of lacking the courage to fight back.
Hence he and the Bush cronies are the only ones who can defend our Nation. This of course implies that more than 2/3 of Americans are cowards, morally confused and intellectually deprived individuals. A very stupid remark indeed.
In another part of the same speech he called the lessons of history, including the failed efforts to appease the Adolph Hitler regime in the 1930s.
What the heck has Hitler to do with the present situation? Is he trying to say that Iran or perhaps the loose lot of terrorists dispersed throughout the World is equivalent to the ambitions of the former dictator?
Perhaps Rumsfeld in his fever forgets that we are the ones who are fueling the anger of many of those terrorists. Sure, there has been and it’ll always be some idiots ready to blow-up planes or embassies, regardless of what we do or don’t do, but, after invading a country that never attacked us, does he wonder how that part of the World sees us? Not to mention the recent out of proportion attack on Lebanon by Israel, who many consider just an extension of the U.S.
Continues his tirade by adding “Those who know the truth need to speak out against these kinds of myths and lies and distortions being told about our troops and about our country,” The truth? The truth is right there in front of us. As far as we know all the abuses have been well documented, to the point of causing several military courts to look into it.
Finally Rumsfeld regrets that “too many in this country want to “blame America first” and ignore the enemy.” Nobody is trying to ignore the enemy Donald, all those who are against the present policy, are as dedicated to fight a real enemy as you are, perhaps more.
The difference is that the people in general have enough intellectual capacity, in spite of your remarks, to differentiate between “real enemies” and manufactured ones.
I resent the remarks of this guy and like many others, including high ranking members of the Senate and the House, I believe it’s time for him to go and make room for someone with a clean slate, a clear mind and a more balanced approach to the present mess.
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