Bush & Co Don’t Get It
A recent disclosure of a National Intelligence Estimate concludes that “the war has helped create a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the September 11 attacks.” This is an official account of our own governmental agency. And yet, they still don’t get it.
This blog, in August 06, reflected some of the recently published estimates by the NIE (See “Pandora’s Box” ). And more recently on September 11 there is more about “Bush’s Spin”
And to think the government could have had the same estimates coming from someone on a retiree’s income as opposed to the thousands or perhaps millions spent to arrive to the same conclusion!
When the vast majority of people in the U.S. (and most others around the World) are convinced that whatever is going on in Iraq is not working, this administration stubbornly maintains the position of having reduced the menace of terrorism by occupying that country and patting themselves in the back for their “victories“.
According to Bush and Co Iraq is better now because they have an elected government but fail to admit that the country is really being run by threats, fear and intimidation fueled by the different factions engaged in a sort of civil war and the elected government has very little influence over the population.
Another fallacy from Bush is that we have severely damaged the capabilities of terrorists having them on the run in Iraq. In the meantime, the supposedly scared thugs are infiltrating every faction in this internal strife and taking advantage of the situation, by fueling more hate and anti-American propaganda. Not to mention that copycat cells are sprouting in many other places around the globe.
Now, don’t be misled into thinking that Bush and Co doesn’t know what’s going on. They are fans of their own creed but they are not totally stupid. That’s why they are steering this mess in the direction of Iran and Venezuela.
Iran being the greatest concern, according to them and Venezuela’s Chavez being called a buffoon (his unfortunate remarks about the President helped on this) and criticizing him for his help in keeping the poor warm this winter with low cost fuel.
Probably the administration thinking was: How this “buffoon” dares to help the people of the most powerful nation on earth? These guys should leave us alone in this matter and let us solve this problem, like we did with the Katrina victims! Well, sort of.
Come November, let’s hope the elections will finally reflect the sentiment of the people with positive changes in both Houses. I guess for political reasons and to save face in front of the whole World we are stuck with Bush, but at least we can do something to counter-balance this heavy-handed administration.
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