Bush: “I believe we’re going to win”

After so many years of comings and goings in his so-called War on Terror, our leader has finally arrived to his last gung-ho phrase for the public that invokes nothing less than “faith”. Perhaps he thinks that by repeating his “belief” we can all go back to the original premise of eradicating terrorism his way.
Mr. Bush, it doesn’t matter what you “believe”, what really matters is the crude reality of the Iraqi scenario. I said it before and I’d say it again: Iraq is a complex fabric of different factions who have been battling on and off for centuries to assert their supremacy over the land. Sadly, the only one who managed to handle the country, albeit in a brutal manner, was the former dictator Sadam Hussein, now sentenced to die by a pro-western court anxious to show the World that “justice“ has been done. Unfortunately, this decision in itself won’t placate the ire of all parties involved as is readily seen everyday on the streets of that country.
Believing that we can do or accomplish something has to be followed by solid and attainable goals, not just our own blind faith. And this seems to be the case with you Mr. President. After everything else has obviously failed, all the previous plans, promises and assurances, now we have to continue this nonsense exercising only our inner believe that “we are going to win”. Just because you say so.
I’m sorry, Mr. Bush, you have lied many times in the past as we all know (except you I guess) and the American public has demonstrated that can no longer rely in your judgment, or, as you put it, “the decider’s judgment”.
Changing the players, from the Secretary of Defense to Generals, and moving the pieces around does not alter the board. Like in a chess game, it’s not only a matter of shuffling peons, horses or bishops, but each move must have a precise reason, something that will develop into a winning strategy, and you have none. You have proven this, over and over, with every move and lie in the past.
Now you want more troops. Tomorrow, when this does not work, and it won’t, you will come up with yet another story, and later another one. When does it end? When are you going to make the right decision?
Nobody knows Mr. Bush. Here’s the problem: Most of us are frustrated and tired of your “decisions” in this matter and after so many losses in Iraq came to the conclusion that it’s time to leave that country. Not in six months, not in one or two years, but now!
The pitch that if we leave, Iraq will be in chaos is an empty threat to our civilized minds. You want us to feel bad for the Iraqi people, and we do, we really do, but Iraq has been in chaos, in one way or another for a long time, even before you sent our troops there. Nothing has really changed. The only thing that changed is that now the Iraqi people, not you, not us, not the World, will have to decide which way to go and whether they want to live in peace among themselves or not. And this is not even something new because they always had that decision to make, even under Hussein.
So you see, Mr. President, nothing that you did has worked there and nothing that you can propose will either, simply because the real problems and the possible solutions are not in the hands of outsiders, not even you as much as you think of yourself, just in the hands of the Iraqis.
Bring our troops home and tell your appointed people in Iraq that they are free to solve their own problems however they please, and come back to the world of reason. Perhaps history will forgive all your blunders if you make a good effort to redeem yourself in your last two years in the job. You have done terrible damage to our families, our young soldiers, and our image as a country, but I’m convinced that our instinct to forgive all the bad experiences and remember only the good times, will act in your favor in the long run. However, you have to provide our feeble minds with “something” positive to hold on to.
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