Arrogance and Failure
Recently Bush said lawmakers “have a right to express their views, and express them forcefully. But those who refuse to give this plan a chance to work have an obligation to offer an alternative that has a better chance for success.”
Problem is, you Mr. Bush, don’t listen!!! Most of the American people are against an escalation in the number of troops in Iraq. Most are also in favor of some plan to start redeploying our troops where they belong: Home. Now, many of your own supporters in the past within your own party are in the same position, against more troops and a political solution for this mess.
Are you listening? NO ! You keep going down with your blind belief that you’re right and everyone else is wrong.
So, How you dare, after manufacturing an unneeded war, having witness the loss of so many of our soldiers and countless innocent Iraqis, how you dare to say that we (or our representatives in charge) have an obligation to offer an alternative?
It’s too late for that don’t you think? For months, and in some cases for years, others with more gray matter than you have tried to wake you to discussions on alternatives. You blatantly refused every single time. It has always been YOUR way or the highway.
If you really want to create alternatives, look around! There are plenty of capable people, civilians and high-ranking militaries, willing to sit down with you and talk about it. What do you do instead? You replace anyone who may disagree with your failed policy and put in their place new faces to make us all believe that you are doing “something”.
You and all your cronies can’t cover the reality of years of lying, twisting the meaning of words and worst, the body count with no end in sight.
As far as the exchange of Barbara Boxer with Condoleeza Rice, some kiss-ass media heads are taking out of context Ms Boxer’s words. Fortunately, we, the public, are much more aware now of your bags of tricks, and have other means of information to set the record straight.
Here’s the exchange”
“Who pays the price?” Boxer asked Rice, who is unmarried and doesn’t have children. “I’m not going to pay a personal price. My kids are too old and my grandchild is too young. You’re not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with immediate family. “So who pays the price? The American military and their families.”
Your friendly right wing media (the stupid and despicable Ann Coulter among others) went on the attack immediately saying that Ms Boxer’s words were offensive to single women, by implication incapable of making decisions on policy matters.
Nothing further from the true meaning of those words. Ms Boxer was talking about how military families are the most affected by the idiotic decisions of your boss Condoleeza, that’s all. As she expressed herself in a statement on Friday:
“I spoke the truth at the committee hearing, which is that neither Secretary Rice nor I have family members that will pay the price for this escalation,” she said. “My point was to focus attention on our military families who continue to sacrifice because this administration has not developed a political solution to the situation in Iraq.”
There is no more excuses Mr. Bush, Ms Rice, Mr. Cheney (quiet and hidden for now), you have failed, no one else! You are very lucky to be our President and not that of some Third World hot-blooded country, because if you were, you’d have been out of office long time ago.
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