Shame on Wynn. A Reverse Robin Hood

Supervisors or whatever they call those guys who are forever watching the pit and other gamming areas will receive a bonus of about 40% from now on and that increase is money taken from the tips or “tokes” as they’re called here, of the casino dealers.
Nice move Steve. You‘ve shown one more time where your priorities are - pleasing the purse holders and yourself - and looking magnanimous with your key personnel, without costing you a dime! So, from now on, Wynn’s dealers will have to share “their” tips with higher salaried people AND after that, give another share to Uncle Sam in taxes.
One more time, when sacrifices have to be made, they are done on the shoulders of those who make less.
To make things more unpleasant Wynn had the arrogant attitude to express publicly that there are many more out there willing to take the jobs of those who may strike, if it comes to that situation. Another sweet warning from a guy who smiles a lot and is the king of the fictitious Las Vegas life.