Ann (Ass) Coulter

I’m a liberal democrat at heart so I guess I’m in the persona non grata general list of this blond idiot. As such, and given the permission granted by her with her own words, I hope that she’s struck by lighting but lived to be 100, bold, scarred and yet more angry. There, I said it! I feel good now or at least I feel that I’m helping vindicate the myriad of people she has criticized with her big dirty mouth for years.
While this lady (And I say this with great reservation) is irrelevant, more perhaps like a circus like figure to entertain those who agree with her, Ann Coulter’s public actions are teaching all of us a lesson in what democracy is all about. In some countries she would be wearing a scarf on her face and punished by simply glancing at others on the street, in others she could have been sold to a man in marriage when she was only 14 years old and in many others she could be used as pack mule to carry food for her clan.
I’m sure she’s grateful to live here in the U.S. where anyone can write a book with enough venom to become a best seller author, get invited by greedy ratings seeking media personalities so she can disperse her unflattering thoughts to a perplexed audience, always waiting for the next irrational comment coming from her filthy mind and psychotic personality, in short, enjoying the land of the free.
There is one positive thing about her, in spite of herself I guess. I’m glad she is not my wife my sister or my daughter, but somebody else’s. Unless she comes from a family of retards, those related to her are probably wondering what went wrong with her upbringing.
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