Is This Why I Bought a $2000 LCD-TV?

Once in awhile I tackle light subjects just to get a break from the nasty political scene and all the wrongs people do in this world. This time I’ve decided to look at the “new” television schedule and find out if there’s something really worth watching.
To begin with it’s hard to find “new” programming. As always television serves up more of the dishes that made it during the last season, with copycat themes and different faces, but basically the same story line or ploy. So here we have, given the success of so many cooking shows, the launching or re-launching of yet more cooking shows. “Top Chef” on Bravo, where in the first cooking challenge they included working with rattlesnake, eel, alligator and kangaroo. “Hell’s Kitchen” on Fox where chef Gordon Ramsay, a Scottish with bad temper, screams and pushes the limits of the participants. Sort of an intervention on future cooks. “The Next Food Network Star” on Food Network with a different chef every week searching for yet another “star” of the kitchen. But the trend seems to be: Do anything that involves some sort of reality. From William Shatner’s racing thing to Shaquille O’Neal’s challenge to get fat kids down in size. And of course, there is “the other” programming, which is stuff like “CSI“, “Law and Order Part 1M”, etc. So, in reviewing the new season I don’t see much of an improvement on the last one. Just more of the same with other faces in some instances. More food, more blood, intense faces looking down on microscopes and always wearing gloves and probably more racy encounters with as much skin as the ratings will allow.
Since there will be so much of the same, I guess this is a good time to go out and enjoy more of the real life instead of watching fake situations disguised as reality and food that I‘ll never prepare myself.
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