Is CNN Listening to Lou Dobbs?
Today we read on CNN’s website, some sort of explanation to a few “mistakes” this guy made while supposedly reporting from his high chair. Not only doesn’t he prove that the NYT article is inaccurate; on the contrary, he readily admits that what was said was a mistake. His defense his a mumbo jumbo of words trying to confuse the fact the he indeed was not reporting but merely expressing “his” view of the issues involved. On the case of the prisons being populated by 2/3 of illegal aliens his explanation was that:
“We reported that one-third of the federal prison population three and a half years ago were "non-citizens….The exact number of the year in question was 29.3 percent for fiscal year 2001.” Oh, he meant 29.3 not 33%, that sure makes a difference!
At the same time, while he’s referring to non-citizens here, he said that in his opening stated:
“I introduced that report three and a half years ago by saying the number of illegal immigrants in our prisons was increasing and the financial burden rising."
This introduction, if anything, is a blatant attempt to relate the real story on our prisons holding non-citizens and equating them with illegal aliens.
I’m not going to tell you about other “mistakes” he admits to, you can read the story at CNN.COM yourself.
My point is that, for as long as I remember, Lou Dobbs as made a good living trying to create a respectable figure of himself among certain people who are opposed to immigration and immigrants. Those who share his position I’m sure are very happy to listen to his babble but the fact that he’s on CNN makes it despicable because the media itself is supposed to be impartial and transparent.
CNN, by allowing this guy, day after day, to reinforce in the minds of the public that immigrants are really a dangerous, resource-sucking crowd, is putting whatever good reputation may have as a source of information in the category of gossip and trash.
Lou Dobbs is nothing but an opportunist continuously exploiting the lower instincts of his audience for his own benefit and enrichment. Nothing better than the other big fat idiot, Rush Limbaugh, who made a living blasting Clinton for so many years.
These are one-script talkers. Take the one or two issues they spouse and nothing is left there.
The fact that Dobbs looks good on TV, “respectable” and “credible” means nothing to me but unfortunately there’s a lot of people who are convinced his word is the gospel. That’s the real danger.
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