Who Gives a F***

Warning! This post contains crude language, which I rarely use and may not be suitable for underage people or delicate souls. Here we go..
I am totally fed up with every little piece of shit that these Muslim extremists created for television. Today on CNN, yet another commentary about a supposedly original diatribe from a guy named al-Zawahiri, second in command (really?) of the Taliban. This guy with unkempt beard and some marking on his forehead, whatever that is, keeps on giving advice to others, like Hamas, Muslims and even the rest of us as if there is an organized plan from a central government. Well, there is not ! The hard core Taliban are nothing but loose gangs of crazy maniacs which having nothing to live for prefer to die and find out if they can hit it big in the afterlife. Their way of life seems to be: Get together every day for countless hours, chant whatever they chant to brainwash themselves, after that, go home, say goodbye and strap yourselves with a few sticks of dynamite. Finally, pick a bunch of bystanders, walk into the crowd and blow yourselves up and everyone around you.
If it weren’t for the fact that this is real life, it could be the theme for a Tarantino movie!
I have a few words for this turban-wearing guy: Go and SCREW yourself! I wasn’t born in the Islamic cult and I don’t even understand what the fuck you are talking about. Hidden imam? Why is he hiding and from whom? I am not willing to learn about the Quran and Sunna (what the heck is Sunna?). In other words, you believe in whatever you want but don’t expect the entire World to follow you and your twisted theories.
I also have a word for the media in general: STOP patronizing these imbeciles ! You are playing into their hands and have become a willing vehicle for their revolting statements. Might as well go to any nuthouse in the U.S. and tape the ranting of our own crazies!
While I agree that we should get the hell out of Iraq, I don’t want our government to do it because of idiotic comments from guys like this, but because we must stop the casualty count of our troops.
Let’s not get involved in giving credit to lunatics. Some people may assume that we are taking steps as a response to their ranting. We must get out now and let the Muslims take care of their own. We don’t’ understand shit about their way of thinking and their life style, not well enough to blend, much less to reason with extremists staring at a camera somewhere in a God forsaken place.
That’s my piece.
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