Gingrich On The Loose

One of the crafters, if not the main one, of the disaster we are in with this failed administration, Newt Gingrich, is making his move to run for president in 08 and, as such, started agitating the conservative base that gave Bush and his cronies the power they’ve abused so nicely.
In a recent speech, Gingrich came back to one of his original favorite themes - make English the official language - by saying that election ballots should be printed only in English and nothing else.
I don’t believe Newt is someone who we can trust as president and much less with the trail he left behind. He’s part to blame for the selling of this presidency to the voters on the promise of change, prosperity and a bunch of other lies.
However, and as much as I’m a defender of immigrant rights, I must admit that on the issue of electoral ballots I agree with him. Since any new citizen must be able to communicate in English, even with a basic vocabulary, there is no reason to print ballots in a foreign language, whichever it may be.
More than that, a person who is going to the voting booth should be able to read and listen about the candidates and what they stand for, directly from the candidates themselves and not from a third person in a different language who may or may not convey the message properly.
How can a person discuss issues with others in the community - in English - if he or she speaks only a foreign language?
The bottom line is, if the voter is not informed properly, how can he or she make a decision that will affect all of us at some point and time?
In matters that affect the entire nation, and when in public, everything should be discussed and clarified in English to avoid misunderstandings, interacting with other cultures without the barrier of the language.
Doing it otherwise would simply make any discussion of important issues a sectarian and ethnic one.
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