Smart Ass or Simply Deranged?

Many times I wonder why this woman is so popular among the political circles. Republicans seem to love her while Democrats can’t stand her. Besides her views on politics and social issues, to which all have the right to an opinion, the delivery of this foul mouthed blonde is mostly offensive and most of the times wrong in her facts. TV commentators invite her frequently, either to give her yet another chance to promote her righteous views if they are for the Republican side or to blast her for some outrageous comments she’d made if they are on the Democrat’s side. Whatever the reason for so much presence, including a recent tour where she was promoting a printed version of her stupid and vile thoughts, makes little sense to either side. Republicans put themselves in danger of being labeled as deranged as she is by inviting her as a speaker. Yes, she may help raise money sometimes, but at what price? Democrats and those who support them, including the press, giver her a potential halo of credibility when she’s invited to debate and defend, sometimes on camera, whatever idiotic remark she made, and she has made one too many! The latest one being the comment on John Edwards as a “faggot”. Later of course she said, “It was just a joke”.
Ann Coulter in fact is the joke. Her mere arrogant presence, accompanied by her big mouth and constantly shooting from the hip irritates and make people uncomfortable, not for what she says, which is mostly silly and irrelevant, but the fact that many dimwitted individuals on the right are salivating for the smearing of those on the left. It’s sort of the female version of another blotted idiot: Rush Limbaugh, you know, the guy who makes a living badmouthing anything not Republican.
Look at her picture carefully; doesn’t she seem to have a similar look as the once famous runaway bride? Perhaps their mental condition is the same.

Is she my long lost sister?
Etiquetas: bride, democrats, limbaugh, republicans
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