Welcome to the New Economy!
Oh the Stock Market! I feel (not really) for all those speculators who move their money in Wall Street. They make bets on this and that and, like in any other form of betting, sometimes they have to loose. Remember when the Dow hit 15000? It was not long ago and stayed there briefly, but the vultures where excited.
Now, around 11000 and falling, everyone is grabbing their math heads and running around in circles.
The reality for us, the common folk is that no matter how Wall Street performs, we are getting screwed one way or the other. Unless you have some money invested - and I don’t know too many working stiffs in that situation - the ups and downs of the market mean very little.
What really matters is the fact that we’ve lost thousands and thousands of jobs and the former middle class is being moved to a lower income level by the shenanigans of corporations and investors. What really matters is that we are spending overseas tons of money that could be used to revamp our economy. What really matters in fact is that our money has disappeared from our daily income and our future is bleak.
Just ask anyone who has lost a house due to foreclosure, had been laid-off abruptly because his or her company send their job overseas or in general has been receiving a stagnant salary not even close to match the increasing cost of living. The closest these people are associated with the Market is in most cases if they have part of their salary going to a retirement plan. So, even if the Market rebounds and grows the probability for them to see results are next to zero. In the meantime they are spending more than ever for the same goods or services with the added pain of the recent gasoline prices.
We are all victims of a huge scam openly practiced by a few individuals and corporations and that’s the reality we face. Keep the top 1% safe and healthy and dam everyone else. This is not our country anymore. This is the country in which we work to sustain large conglomerates and those in power going along for the ride at our expense.