Bush and His Cronies Are Going Insane
Now he wants another 42 billion dollars to perpetuate his mistake in Iraq. Not only that, the drumbeat against Iran is increasing and, instead of finding political solutions, this administration seems bent on repeating the same mantra they used when invading Iraq. Then, was the ghost of non-existent weapons of mass destruction, now, is the possibility of Iran becoming a nuclear power.
I don’t’ know - and I guess nobody knows for sure - if this scenario may become a reality in the future, but, given the terrible mistakes made by Bush and Co. in the recent past, the lies, the manufactured half-truths - more fiction than anything else - and the horrific consequences and lives lost in the present war, why should we believe anything that comes out of Bush’s mouth? Why?
Isn’t time to stop this mad group? And if so, who is going to do it? It’s urgent that any and all candidates think hard about what‘s coming because they are the ones who will have to deal with a very messy and potentially bloody situation when assuming the presidency next year.
Partisan ideology aside, we as citizens, should also consider speaking loudly against the escalation of conflict that is looming in the horizon. Our youth and our troops are the ones who’d bear the burden of this insane administration. Bush, Cheney and all others of this group of ill-thinkers will be gone by the time we have to say goodbye to yet more of our own.
Let’s get out of Iraq NOW! Let’s sit down and talk our differences with Iran NOW! Let’s also ease off the protectionist policies in favor of Israel to show the World that we are really the impartial party we boast to be. In the process, let’s have Congress take some initiative for a change and deny more funds for this crazy venture.