Your Dollars at Work – Su Dinero en Acción
Mientras Hezbollah se mezcla con la población local para que sea dificultoso ubicarlos, Israel simplemente anuncia a los habitantes que habrán de destruir un área y en consecuencia deben salir para protegerse.
Interesante, no sabía que se puede limpiar la conciencia con un anuncio previo de destrucción. “Salga de su casa porque voy a destruirla y matar a quien se encuentre allí! De ahora en más, la responsabilidad es suya!”
Los civiles israelitas también han pagado un precio alto como consecuencia de la fabricación de ese país. Atraídos en su momento desde todas partes del mundo con el llamado de sirena de un país propio, hoy y desde hace mucho tiempo, se encuentran con la realidad de vivir bajo amenazas de otros que no disfrutan de la idea de ser ciudadanos de segunda en territorios que tradicionalmente eran suyos o, por lo menos, eran compartidos por varias sectas religiosas, incluyendo la israelita.
Por último, quien dijo que para ser israelita se debe tener un país separado? Siempre creí que se trataba de una religión, no una nacionalidad. La prueba está en que millones de judíos viven en paz y sin problemas en la mayoría de los países civilizados, compartiendo la ciudadanía que corresponde, junto a católicos, musulmanes, protestantes y tantas otras religiones, mientras que mantienen sus tradiciones religiosas como corresponde.
Rice, la bocina de Bush en este caso, entra y sale de la zona, intentando obtener una respuesta al problema. Pero el problema es ella misma y la politica que lleva en su portafolio. Mientras el Medio Oriente continúe percibiendo que la balanza de cualquier arreglo está siempre inclinada a favor de Israel nadie habrá de negociar.
Your Dollars at Work
The uninterrupted economic and military aid the U.S. has given to Israel since 1949 amounts to billions of dollars. Sometimes takes the shape of grants, others as loans – much of these wipped of the books and forgiven – as well as moneys for research, investigation and mutual development.
In any case, the totals are enourmous in terms of international aid. No other country benefits as much as Israel, where very little or no accounting of the use of such money must be given.
More over, charitable organizations can and do make contributions to Israel in most cases tax deductible. Have you seen the same benefit when donating to other countries? I doubt it.
The question I have is: Who controls whom in this game? Is Israel, as many suspect, the Trojan Horse in Middle East, set to establish some political and economical balance favoring the U.S.? Or, is Israel and its many conections with the World money players and those in the U.S. who is dictating the terms of the issues?
One way or the other, we all are paying for the creation and maintenance of that country, built by fire and blood, now involved on a mission of massacre supposedly to free us all from terrorism.
Who are the real players in this tragedy? Hard to know, thanks to so much complexity, real and manufactured, by regional groups, Israel itself and the U.S.
One thing is certain, at least regarding today’s conflict. The Israeli answer to the kidnapping of two soldiers has been totally disproportionate.
To date, the cost has been the life of more than 600 inocent lebanese civilians and the total destruction of the infrastructure in an entire country.
Hundreds of thousands have been forced out of their homes becoming overnight refugees without having done anything wrong and with very little hope to resume a normal life, since what is normal has ceased to exit in Lebanon. Everything and anything is justified now in the name of fighting the insurgents.
While Hezbollah mixes with the local population to make their detection difficult, Israel simply announces to the inhabitants that they will attack and destroy certain area and, as a consecquence they must leave to protect themselves.
Interesting, I didn’t know that people can clean their conscience by giving a previous warning of destruction. “Get out and run because I’m about to destroy your house. From now on the responsibility on what happens is yours!”
Israeli civilians have also paid a high price following the manufacturing of their territory. Atracted at the time from all over the World with the enticing call to own a country, now and since long time ago, they find themselves with the reality of living under threats from others, who don’t share the idea of becoming second class citizens in a land that traditionally was theirs, or, at the very least, was shared by several religious sects, including judaism.
Finally, who said that to be jewish you must have a separate country? I’ve always thought that judaism was a religion, not a nationality. The proof is that millions of jews live in peace and without problems in the vast majority of the civilized world, sharing the respective local citizenship, the same as catholics, muslims, protestants and so many other beliefs, while maintaining their religious traditions, as it should be.
Rice, Bush’s mouthpice in the region, comes and goes, supposedly trying to get a response for this problem. But the problem is herself and the policies she carries in her briefcase. As long as the Middle East continues to perceive that the balance of any agreement will be forever tilted in favor of Israel nobody in the region will accept to negotiate.